Match-drill the J-channels to the fuselage

The next step is to match-drill the J-channels to the fuselage. But before that, the F-779/711/712 assembly must be clecoed in place, and that was a little challenging trying to maneuver the J-channels into place and get bulkhead holes lined up with the skin. As of now, the fit is close enough to get clecoes in all the holes. I can live with that, even if the fit isn’t 100 percent perfect.

Aft fuselage before match-drilling

The last step before match-drilling the J-channels is to make sure there’s no twist in the structure. I cut some shims out of oak and taped them in place on the sawhorses; I also taped the sawhorses themselves in place on the floor to prevent shifting. With the shims in place, I was able to get the whole assembly level…very cool

Forward measurement…

Forward tailcone leveled for matchdrilling

…and aft measurement.

Aft tailcone leveled for matchdrilling

While continuing to check the fuselage for twist, Ellen and I drilled the J-channels to the fuselage. I needed a spare pair of hands to keep the J-channel in place, and Ellen helped. Fortunately I didn’t drill any holes in her fingers.

I still have a little more work to do before drilling the J-channels to the F-775 skin, I’m going to have to work slowly to take out some remaining bend from the F-775.