Parts prepped, ribs riveted

I  prepped and primed the remaining fuselage structural parts over the weekend, and only an hour or so before Hurricane Sandy really hit in force on Monday we brought the center section from the den, through the yard, and back into the garage to prepare for riveting.

I’ve worked through most of a three-page list of things that need to be done before the fuselage “canoe” can come back together for riveting.  The Air Force closed my office during the storm, so in between checking for storm damage and checking on our daughter in Delaware – right in the course of the storm – I had a little extra time to whittle away items on the list.

Today we flipped the center section and riveted on the two remaining seat ribs.

Ribs riveted...

We rode through the storm with virtually no problems, and more importantly our daughter is safe and sound.

Only a few things left to do on the fuse before riveting…