Wing bulkheads

One more task to accomplish before declaring success on the wing bulkheads…drilling two holes out to 0.25″ to accommodate bolts and spacers that hold the bulkhead halves exactly 1.438″ apart. Why does it have to be exactly 1.438″? I don’t know…ask Vans. Here’s one bolt and spacer in place.

Bulkhead spacer fitted

Here are the bulkhead halves fitted in place around the previously-mentioned spacers and four aluminum blocks that simulate the wing spar root attach points. These were precision machined by friend and fellow RV builder Rich, who just happens to own his own machining company. That’s a handy business to have when you’re building an airplane!

Rich's spacers!

Some of those close-tolerance bolts took some persuading and liberal application of Boelube, but in the end they went in. This is an extremely beefy assembly…which you would hope it would be, since it keeps the wings attached to the airplane!

Carrythough bulkhead assembled