
After the Z-brackets were in place, I followed the Checkoway MethodTM and fitted the clecoed tank on the wing.

With the tank in place the inboard Z-brackets were drilled, and after the outboard leading edges were removed, the outboard Z-brackets were drilled as well. Read and heed Van’s instructions to use a drill stop when doing this work – it’s damn easy to drill into the spar web or stiffeners if you’re not careful. Here’s a pic of the inboard bracket.

Z-brackets drilled

After the Z-brackets at each end of the tanks were drilled, the tank skins came off and the other Z-brackets were match-drilled to the baffles. Here’s the left tank with skin removed, just before match-drilling.

More Z-brackets drilled

With drilling complete on both tanks, the wings came out of the jig for our move to the new house.