
Our seats arrived today from Luke and the folks at Classic Aero Designs…they’re very nice, well worth the investment. My good friend Jim has the same seat model in his RV-7 and one ride in his airplane was enough to convince me that these are the ones we wanted.


I’ve been holding my breath on the choice of interior colors, seat leather, and shoulder harnesses. We made our choices two years ago based on leather swatches from Classic Aero, harness material samples from Hooker, and paint chips from Sherwin Williams.  It all looked good in small scale, but there’s no way to tell until everything comes together in the cockpit.

Now that the seats are next to the walls and floor panels we’ve painted with JetFlex, I think we made the right choice…or to be more accurate, Ellen made the right choice.  She did all the color coordination and everything looks great!

Another picture? Sure, why not…

More seats!The only downside is that now we know the interior paint color is correct, I’ve got to buy more of it at $120/quart…yikes.